Reference Manager
This application allows to save references to books, journals, conferences, phd/master thesis and other documents. For each reference, a Portable Document File (PDF) can be stored. The PDFs are indexed, and the references can be filtered by the contents of the PDF, and the fields that are stored for each reference. The stored fields of each reference are Bibliographic Fields (Author, Title, Volume, Pages and others), Keywords, Comments, Overview, Problem, Key Ideas, Methods, and Results.
The references can be exported to Bibtex Format and can be used for journals that require LATEX, and references in Bibtex Format can be imported.
Besides the references, the corresponding works can be included. The references may be associated to one or more works.
All the references, and the references for the corresponding works can be exported to Bibtex.

The references may be filtered by work, by an arbitrary criteria (an expression with a syntax similar to C++ can be used for filtering, and there are special functions and fields that can be included), and can be ordered by Title, Author or Year.
The data of the references is saved as XML and is optionaly compressed (compression can be disabled from Settings).
The text fields that are stored, can use latex for defining text with emphasis, bold, or italics. Also bulleted lists are supported. Besides that, between $ (ex. $x^2=\frac{\sqrt{y}}{z}$), mathematical formulas can be defined using a subset of mathematical Latex Commands. After editing, the software will attempt to parse the Latex and show the corresponding results.